

God has put a great compassion in our heart for Romania. Romania is a beautiful country but there are lots of things that needs transformation, healing, restoration and redirection, spiritually.

Many of us are unaware of the condition of Romania’s institutionalized children and their conditions. One of the most desolating case so far has been the devastating situation of the orphan children, most of the children that came out of the Government run orphanages or institution were diagnosed with malnutrition, psychiatric illness, bipolar disorder, deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, autistic-like behaviors even if they were born normal.

Lack of affection and violent punishment tormented those innocent children leading them towards depression and fear. Very few were able to escape and live a normal life whereas several ended up at adult facilities.

Adoption practice is very less in Romania, few children who were adopted in to good families from country like USA were reported to be going through extreme difficulties to have affectionate connection to an adult and parents resulting violent behavior. Many parents were unable to handle a children of such behaviors and were sent to U.S institutions or back to Romania. Story does not end here, there are numerous girls who are trafficked and kidnapped for sex industry. Many young teens after leaving orphanages after certain age, they end up in a street subject to physical and sexual abuse.