Girls of hope is women ministry it started almost 2010 with a small group of young mom’s gathered in my living room one evening hungry for the presence of the Lord and a desire to grow closer to Jesus. As we began to worship, the tangible presence of the Lord just hovered around us. It was sweet and tender but also a powerful encounter with God. Although we were not fully aware of it at the time, that night was the beginning of a movement. Something deep inside of me knew from the start that the Lord had something really special for us in His heart. could sense His deep burden for women.
That night lonely and despairing women cried out to the Lord for help, for hope, for healing, for human dignity and for the restoration of the functional body of Christ. It was important to Him. Then and years later we are still on His heart.
I began to pray about God’s women, for American, Chinese, African, European, Asian and women. Around the world I have observed women broken and bound by varying cultures and differing national or religious customs. My passionate is to search out and call out women whom God has created in His own image, His ideal for womanhood. I will never stop seeking to build a biblical foundation for helping women to discover conclusively that there is total salvation, divine dignity, quality, self-esteem and unlimited ministry for women in the body of Christ. The Lord has a desire to see a company of His daughters rise up from the broken-hearted ashes of this generation and be totally consumed with Jesus and without fear or limitations with hope and captured by their love for the One who redeemed them and set them free!
Daughter of most high not be easily distracted and caught up in the struggles of everyday life, but to learn to focus on the grace freely given to us in time of need. (Hebews 4:16) And it also says, “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity. “(Jeremiah 29:12-14). This is God’s promise to us. We need to continually lock our eyes onto His eyes, knowing that nothing else compares. Captured by His gaze and completely in love, we are passionate about fulfilling the purposes of God from generation to generations. Girls of Hope became a meeting place for young women from all walks of life.
We live by a mandate of action to help women realize their value, purpose and destiny in God’s master plan. From various churches, denominations and stages in life (single, married, mom’s daughter’s and some with healing hearts) with a beautiful mixture of ethnicities, all with one common denominator: we have Hope by this One great Love, and our whole life is dedicated to loving Him back!
What began as a small group of friends coming together for encouragement has turned into a movement of young women who are passionate about making a real difference in their generation! Years later, every other Wednesday night, young women come from around the city to gather together for Girlz of Hope. And every other Wednesday night, the tangible sweet presence of the Lord and His healing powers meets His daughters right there. We leave refocused, encouraged, heal and whole with a hand full of chocolate and the presence of the Lord, and knowing that together in this “sisterhood without the drama”, we are going to help shift the spiritual atmosphere of our generation from one of death to life! So there you have it! This is our story, and we are sticking to it. With a heart that is full of Hope.
Sue hatcher.