We carry with us some deep convictions. It is these convictions that shape our love, goals and priorities.
All that we do is an expression of our love and commitment to Jesus Christ.
The gospel of God’s Kingdom should be both preached and demonstrated.
For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Therefore we clearly declare God’s gift of salvation through word, supernatural healing and Deliverance and practical demonstrations of compassion and love.
We minister openly from all walks of life, as followers of Jesus empowering them by the Holy Spirit to carry vision and anointing for revival. For this young generation is the one God has Mark to fill the earth with His glory. To make disciples caring for the poor wherever we find them, regardless of religion or creed.
Jesus told us to go into all the world making disciples and this is at the center of all that we do, determining our strategies and priorities.
We take people into the midst of front-line activity where they are the ones who share the Good News, pray for the sick, and engage in acts of mercy and justice.
Our goal is to provide to help needed to move both individuals and communities into long-term and sustainab Our goal is to provide the help needed to move both individuals and communities into long-term sustainability, not dependence upon any outside source.
We understand justice to be the restoration of life as God intended. This leads us to the oppressed and disempowered of the developing world.