Help us to make an impact among the various generation of the people among the different nations. Be a part of our Nation impact ministry organization and help us to spread out the gospel and bring out the hope to hopeless.
Each time you give we are one step closer to helping an organization achieve a dream that will impact entire communities for generations. You can donate from the donate DONATE Thank you for your generosity.
There is nothing better than having a prayer warriors, we encourage you to intercede with us and be our partner in prayers. Help us to breakdown the hindrances and bring out the God’s glory and miracle through your prayer support. Share your testimony with us, your testimonies and prayers can make huge differences in our ministry.
445 E. FM 1382
Suite 3-615
Cedar Hill, Tx 75104
Telephone: 214-876-8906
You can also support us with your small financial gifts. We believe in God’s provision for us and he has shown his faithfulness in a different exciting ways. Help us to bring the change and meet the physical and spiritual needs of the suffering people. We are currently in need of a fundraising event planner to help us create fundraising packages that can be used by those who want to help raise funds for specific projects. If you have experience in planning events and fundraisers please contact us at
[email protected]
You can be the voice of the people in wilderness, Nations Impact has a various opportunities to travel different parts of the world. you can share your experience of the ministry and what it is like to be in mission field. You can share the testimonies, you can share about the people, place, the culture and their spiritual needs with us as Nation impact focus on ministering around the Middle East Asia such as Romania and Nepal.